Dr. Titus Imboma
A Research Scientist with focus on avian ecology and conservation as well curatorial work in Museums scientific bird collection, based at Ornithology Department at National Museums of Kenya, in Nairobi. I have gained experience in field research and avian monitoring in the past 20 years especially, working on both terrestrial and waterbird ecology. I have had keen interest in Training and capacity building in local ornithology and avi-tourism, training and impacting skills and knowledge in sustainable bird monitoring and research in local people who later become field ornithologists and avian tour leaders across Kenya and East Africa. I have skills in agro—ecology where we relate birds and ecosystem services especially in agriculture, with keen interest in use of biological control in vast agricultural landscapes. To execute my duties, I work with other partners in both government and None –government departments including Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Medical Research Institute and International Livestock Research Institute in different projects including waterbird monitoring, avian tracking projects including and one-health program. I organize and coordinate bird ringing/banding program, a citizen science training program at Museums in Nairobi. I also organize and lead general ecology and birding tours for small groups in Kenya and Tanzania.
I am a regional coordinator Bustards Without Borders for East Africa. This is a new initiative with expertise across the world working to create a Multi-species Action Plan (MsAP) for conservation of world bustard species under the African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP), in coordination with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. I am a member of Bird Committee of the East African Natural History Society working in support of conservation of birds and their critical habitats in Kenya. I also assist to document and curate our scientific and avian exhibits in both ornithological collections and galleries at the National Museums of Kenya.