BWB harks to UNEP/CMS/Resolution 10.27 on Improving the Conservation Status of Migratory Landbirds in the African-Eurasian Region, adopted at CMS COP10, which calls upon Parties to undertake immediate and concerted international actions to conserve African-Eurasian migratory landbird species and their habitats throughout the flyway. BWB will be positioned within the African-Eurasian Migratory Landbirds Action Plan (AEMLAP), which was initiated in response to Resolution 10.27. The most recently revised AEMLAP Resolution adopted at COP14 specifically addresses the necessity of mitigating threats to migratory bustards.*
*According to the Resolution on AEMLAP (UNEP/CMS/Resolution 11.17 (Rev.COP14)), the Conference of the Parties ‘Further calls on Parties to urgently take practical measures to address threats to migratory bustards, a highly threatened and declining group of migratory landbird species under particular pressure from illegal killing, unsustainable taking, collision with energy infrastructure and habitat loss and degradation including as outlines in relevant Species Action Plans;’