Miklós Lóránt
Miklós Lóránt was born in 1977 in Hungary where he currently lives. He graduated as a Certified Teacher of Biology and Chemistry and has been awarded the professional qualification of Zoologist afterwards. He works for the Kiskunság National Park Directorate as a Great Bustard Conservation Officer since 2004.
The main scope of his duty is the coordination of Great Bustard conservation measures in the Kiskunság region and Hungary. Since 2013 he is member of the Ranger Service and since 2015 he is also responsible for the implementation of the predator management in the Upper-Kiskunság region as professional hunter.
In 2024 he became the head of the Dunamenti Landscape Unit of the Kiskunság National Park Directorate (Upper Kiskunság region); he is responsible for the coordination and implementation of habitat mamagement and predator control activities as nature conservation measures and also for the activities of public relations.
He is currently the national coordinator of the Great Bustard conservation in Hungary, implementing the technical coordination of Great Bustard Working Group in Hungary, as the national platform of the species conservation measures since 2011. He joined to the IUCN SSC Bustard Specialist Group in 2024.
He contributes in the work of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of the Middle-European population of the Great Bustard under the CMS, just like several projects related to the long term conservation of the Great Bustard in Central Europe and now under the BWB of all bustard species worldwide.